One of the most unique aspects to Carova Beach is the Wild Horses that roam free, descendents of the Spanish mustangs first brought to the North Carolina shores by Spanish colonizers in the 16th century.
Corolla Wild Horses
You'll love admiring these elegant creatures from your cottage and as you explore the area - but please keep your distance for your safety and theirs! An ordinance requires at least 50 feet of distance between all humans and horses at all times!
Thank you to the Corolla Wild Horse Fund for providing the following information about these incredible creatures. Visit their website at to learn more about the history of the Banker Horses of Carova, and be sure to check out the Corolla Wild Horse Fund Museum and Store while you're in town!
To see more photos of the horses on Carova Beach, visit our Facebook Page.

To learn more about the Corolla Wild Horses, please visit the Corolla Wild Horse Fund website.
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